

A 58 years old house was renovated to the rest house called “Chamariba” and has been available for the tourists.

At the foothill of Mt. Awagatake, Higashiyama region in Kakegawa city where “Chagusaba in Shizuoka” is designated as a GIAHS site, the rest house “Chamariba” has been opened on August 11th. This attempt is sharing the rest house in order to propose new sense of values concerning tea and Satoyama for those who visited the designated site for hiking and cycling.

Why don’t you spend refreshing time in the rest house, “Chamariba”?


The rest house is available on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 1PM to 7PM.


Place   SHOWTIME.Inc 1st floor
1172-3, Higashiyama, Kakegawa city, Shizuoka
Zip code 436-0001


Council for the Promotion of "Chagusaba in Shizuoka" as a GIAHS site
Inquiries: Office of Tea and Agricultural Production
3F Mizunomori-Building, 14-1 Minami-cho, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City 422-8067 Japan
Phone: +81-(0)54-202-1488
Copyright (c) 2017 Shizuoka Prefecture. All Rights Reserved.
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